According to some research, drinking decaffeinated coffee can raise blood pressure and cause an increase in the risk of heart disease. Nevertheless, more research is needed to back up this claim.

Many coffee drinkers at home or in a café begin their days with a hot cup of coffee. However, for people who are concerned about their health, decaffeinated coffee or herbal tea can be an option.

Despite this, it's necessary to be mindful of the negative consequences of decaffeinated coffee. According to numerous research, decaffeinated coffee consumption has been linked to an increased risk of heart attack and myocardial infarction. In some ways, it's a less harmful substitute for coffee, but it has its risks. What you need to know before drinking decaffeinated coffee is detailed below.

Advantages Of Decaffeinated Coffee Over Regular Coffee 

There are various reasons to reduce your caffeine intake. However, that doesn't imply you have to stop drinking coffee.

Caffeine consumption can have the following side effects on people susceptible to it:

- Anxiety

- Insomnia

- Increased blood pressure.

Compared to other coffee types, black decaf provides the most health benefits. Decaffeinated coffee's health benefits can be compromised by adding sugar, milk, syrups, and other additives.

Decaffeinated coffee, like caffeinated coffee, has been demonstrated to favour mood and general attention span.  

However, according to the research, other compounds in coffee may impact your day-to-day functioning. Decaffeinated coffee has a positive effect on the liver.   Decaf coffee is an excellent option for those who appreciate coffee but don't want to deal with the negative side effects that come with consuming it.

Decaffeinated Coffee and Heart Failure

According to one study, decaffeinated coffee appears to considerably increase the risk of heart failure compared to regular coffee. In their study, McCusker et al. (2006) assert that there is also a positive correlation between lower heart failure risk and consumption of more coffee, which was partially due to Caffeine. It should be emphasized, though, that one of the three prior studies they cited found no correlation between drinking decaffeinated coffee and an increased or decreased risk of heart failure McCusker et al., (2006).

Coffee and Blood pressure

According to Chrysant (2017), people with high blood pressure should exercise caution when drinking coffee, but eliminating it is unnecessary.

The analysis concluded that, despite prior reports linking coffee consumption with hypertension, more recent studies suggested that 3–4 cups of coffee a day either had a neutral or favourable effect.

Papakonstantinou et al. (2015) concluded that the blood pressure of 40 healthy habitual coffee consumers rose slightly with all coffee kinds but remained below normal limits.

Even though the spike in blood pressure was only transient, it was still detectable three hours later Mesas et al., (2011).

Other studies have shown that the amount of coffee a person consumes impacts their blood pressure (Zimmermann-Viehoff et al., 2015). Only those who drank coffee infrequently reported an increase in systolic blood pressure.

According to another study, more than three cups of coffee a day was not linked to an increased risk of hypertension. However, drinking 1–3 cups of coffee daily had moderate risk.

Other Effects Of Taking Decaffeinated Coffee

May Prevent Absorption of Iron

Chlorogenic acid is present in both regular and decaffeinated coffee. Discovered that chlorogenic acid inhibited the absorption of nonheme iron.

Might Be Acidifying

Decaffeinated coffee has been shown to raise serum gastrin levels Coffey et al., (1986). Gastrin is the hormone responsible for causing stomach acid to be released. Excessive consumption may result in acidity symptoms. Regular coffee, on the other hand, has been linked to more severe symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux WENDL et al., (2007)

Could Exacerbate Rheumatoid Arthritis

According to (Mikuls et al. 2002) study, Rheumatoid arthritis was more prevalent in people who drank decaf coffee. Incredibly, caffeinated coffee did not carry the same health danger. This may be a result of the manufacturing process decaffeinated coffee goes through.

What specific compounds in decaf coffee might contribute to an increase in blood pressure? 

Decaf coffee contains some of the same compounds as regular coffee, minus most of the caffeine. These compounds include chlorogenic acids, trigonelline, and cafestol. Some of these have been studied for their potential effects on health, including blood pressure.

For example, chlorogenic acids may have a blood pressure-lowering effect due to their antioxidant properties. However, the exact compounds in decaf coffee that might contribute to blood pressure changes are not well-documented, and research often focuses on the effects of caffeine rather than decaf coffee itself.

How does the decaffeination process affect the health benefits associated with regular coffee?

The decaffeination process typically removes 97-99% of the caffeine from coffee beans. This process can also reduce the content of some antioxidants found in regular coffee.

While decaf coffee still contains several beneficial compounds, like polyphenols and minerals, the health impacts may differ from those of regular coffee due to the changes in chemical composition.

It's important to note that the decaffeination process itself, depending on the method used, might also introduce or remove other compounds that could impact health, though most modern methods aim to maintain the coffee's integrity as much as possible.

Are there any long-term studies on the effects of decaf coffee on blood pressure and heart health?

The long-term effects of decaf coffee consumption on blood pressure and heart health have not been extensively studied. Most of the research available tends to focus on the short-term effects or on the broader health impacts of coffee in general, which often includes both caffeinated and decaffeinated varieties.

Long-term studies would be valuable to determine the true impact of decaf coffee on cardiovascular health and could help clarify the potential risks or benefits of regular consumption.


Coffee contains a wide range of chemicals besides Caffeine, which could explain why it hurts blood pressure. Decaf coffee may be suggested if you have trouble managing your blood pressure. You'll still be able to enjoy your daily coffee routine without suffering any unfavourable effects. Consult your physician if you're experiencing side effects from Caffeine. They may be able to give you advice on the best course of action to take.



IMPORTANT: This information is intended to support, not replace, discussion with your doctor or healthcare professionals. Nothing in the content or products should be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. You should always talk to your health care provider for diagnosis and treatment, including your specific medical needs.

July 08, 2022 — Guy Wilmot

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