In an article published in 2012, the Diabetes UK Charity wrote that “decaffeinated coffee could prevent memory loss and associated problems for patients with type 2 diabetes”.

What do scientists about decaf coffee's link with prevention of memory loss in diabetics?

According to research published in the Nutritional Neuroscience Journal in 2012, researchers at Mount Sinai School of Medicine showed that decaffeinated coffee could help to improve the brain energy metabolism linked with type 2 diabetes, as well as being a risk factor for dementia and Alzheimers disease .

In the research article, the scientists explained that they focused on whether dietary supplementation with a regular decaffeinated coffee prior to diabetes onset would improve insulin resistance and glucose control in laboratory mice that had diet-induced type 2 diabetes.

For the Study, they gave mice the supplement for a five-month period, assessing the genetic response in brain of the mice, revealing that the brain was able to more effectively metabolise glucose and then utilise it for cellular energy.

The Lead Researcher, Giulio Maria Pasinetti, stated "This is the first evidence showing the potential benefits of decaffeinated coffee preparations for both preventing and treating cognitive decline caused by type 2 diabetes, aging, and/or neurodegenerative disorders."

Of course, as with many such studies, more research is needed to have a comprehensive answer, but it does intriguingly point to decaffeinated coffee being helpful in preventing memory loss for people with type 2 diabetes.

October 29, 2017 — Guy Wilmot

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