We often get this question: “will decaffeinated coffee keep me awake?”

The simple answer is no, decaf coffee will not keep you awake.

Does caffeine levels vary depending on the decaffeination process?

Caffeine levels in decaffeinated coffee are incredibly low, but it does depend on the process...

Swiss Water Decaf Process coffee, which Decadent Decaf uses exclusively, is certified 99.95 caffeine free, whereas other processes such as Methylene Chloride process decaffeinated coffee can be 97% caffeine free.

Nevertheless, the caffeine levels either way are negligible and, in the case of Swiss Water Decaf, frankly and undetectable, so decaffeinated coffee will not keep you awake due to such low caffeine levels.

How can I fall asleep after drinking regular or decaffeinated coffee?

In some individuals, there is a psychosomatic effect of drinking coffee even if it’s decaf...

In people who say that decaffeinated coffee keeps them awake, it’s far more likely that it’s a psychosomatic effect rather than any extreme caffeine sensitivity.

For those people, it’s probably more important to look at your sleeping routine and behaviour before bed, such as:

  • Not using tablets/mobiles in bed
  • Not having televisions in the bedroom
  • Creating a bedroom routine, such as reading in bed
  • Having lower level lighting before bed

If you are having more severe problems, then it might be a good idea to see a sleep therapist or cognitive behaviour therapy.

Either way, it would be best not to blame poor old decaf coffee for your sleeping problems!

October 15, 2020 — Guy Wilmot


Linda said:

Any kind of decaf coffee keeps me awak for 6-12 hours! ALWAYS! I Never drink coffee after 12 pm! lunch time!
I never take a
Chance even with my cholate! Why?

sam said:

Wrong answer, the 2% caffeine in decaf can definitely keep you awake.

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