Can coffee help protect against Covid?
Scientist continue working hard to analyse the huge amount of data created from Covid and trying to ascertain what helps protect against Covid, as well as what it is detrimental.
In a recent paper by academics from Chicago Northwestern University and published in Nutrients Journal (13 - 6) in 2021 entitled "Dietary Behavor and Incident Covid-19 in the UK Biobank; written by Thanh-Huyen T. Vu ,Kelsey J. Rydland, Chad J. Achenbach, Linda Van Horn and Marilyn C. Cornelis; the main point of the study.
What was the aim of the study?
If nutritional status influences immunity and susceptibility to COVID-19?
- The scientists examined the association of specific dietary data and incident COVID-19 in the UK Biobank (UKB) between March and November 2020.
- The study comprised of focusing on consumption of coffee, tea, oily fish, processed meat, red meat, fruit, and vegetables.
What were the result of the study?
We quote from the study here:
“After multivariable adjustment, the odds (95% CI) of COVID-19 positivity was 0.90 (0.83, 0.96) when consuming 2–3 cups of coffee/day (vs. <1 cup/day), 0.88 (0.80, 0.98) when consuming vegetables in the third quartile of servings/day (vs. lowest quartile), 1.14 (1.01, 1.29) when consuming fourth quartile servings of processed meats (vs. lowest quartile)…”
How can coffee protect against Covid?
The data suggests that consumption of coffee, vegetables, and being breastfed as a baby were favourably associated with incident COVID-19, but the intake of processed meat was adversely associated.
With regards to coffee, the study suggests that drinking 2-3 cups of coffee a day may help towards Covid prevention, but it must be stated that it was a relatively small study and the scientist conclude that more research is necessary.
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