From Swiss Water Decaf’s Official 2017 Report on Sustainability.

Swiss Water Deca­ffeinated Coff­ee Company is part of a remarkable network of coff­ee growers, producers, exporters, roasters, baristas and co­ffee lovers. Swiss Water Decaf play one unique and special role in that chain. Their process is chemical free, which maintains the chain of sustainability from farm to cup. To achieve that, Swiss Water Decaf take a process that’s already free of chemicals, continually improve and innovate this process to be more efficient, and deliver higher quality while actively managing usage.


Swiss Water® Process is proudly chemical free. And because Swiss Water Decaf keep methylene chloride and ethyl acetate out of their facility, Swiss Water Decaf keep it out of the supply chain and out of coff­ee. This means that the co­ffee Swiss Water Decaf process maintains its sustainability throughout the supply chain from farm to cup.


In 2016, Swiss Water Decaf launched an online traceability program that allows their customers to directly trace many of the co­ffees they buy from us. In 2016, 27% of the co­ffees Swiss Water Decaf coffees were traceable to the mill, and Swiss Water Decaf expect to grow this to 36% in 2017.


By supporting the sustainability of the community, Swiss Water Decaf support the sustainability of the farms.


Since 2003, Swiss Water Decaf has had a close relationship with Grounds for Health, and Swiss Water Decaf are committed to influencing direct and positive impact on the health, dignity of women and families in co­ffee-growing communities. Swiss Water Decaf have contributed over CAN$300K in corporate and employee contributions. Their employees proudly volunteer, contribute and raise funds for this great initiative.


The Run for Water Society shares the goal of promoting healthy physical activity and community spirit as Swiss Water Decaf raises funds for clean water development. This year, they are supporting water projects in Dengali, Ethiopia. In 2016 members of their team participated in the Run for Water, and Swiss Water Decaf were so impressed that in 2017 Swiss Water Decaf have expanded their support of the organization with a sponsorship of the Abbotsford Run For Water.


A portion of all MiiR’s proceeds support 55+ water projects in Southeast Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa including filters, construction and rehabilitation of water systems, hygiene and sanitation programs. When looking for a mug to give their partners and friends, partnering with MiiR just made sense.


Improving efficiencies to reduce resource usage of Swiss Water Decaf coffee

Swiss Water® Process is a chemical-free decaff­eination process that uses only co­ffee, water, temperature, and time to extract ca­ffeine from green co­ffee beans. Swiss Water Decaf are fully committed to quality coff­ee, and Swiss Water Decaf are committed to never using chemicals to remove caff­eine. Swiss Water Decaf proudly keep methylene chloride and ethyl acetate out of their facility and away from co­ffee.

While free of chemicals, their process does use energy, natural gas, and water. Their approach to responsible energy management integrates Swiss Water Decaf internal metrics & tracking with specific plans and strategies targeted at continuing improvements in energy usage and efficiency.

By combining a focus on manufacturing efficiencies with an innovative approach to constantly improving their process, Swiss Water Decaf serve their environment, community and customers by providing the best quality product while continually working to reduce resource usage.


Swiss Water Decaf use Green Co­ffee Extract (GCE) to deca­ffeinate coff­ee, so the majority of their water usage goes towards moving carbon around their system. Swiss Water Decaf carefully manage water usage so that the majority (75%) is returned to rivers and streams. Because Swiss Water Decaf do not use chemical in their process, minimal treatment is required.


Through efficiency improvements, Swiss Water Decaf substantially reduced their Kwh per pound of co­ffee in 2015, a trend that Swiss Water Decaf sustained in 2016.

Natural Gas

Through process improvements, their natural gas usage is more consistent and stable than in the past, which means Swiss Water Decaf can work against achieving greater efficiency in per-pound gas utilization.


Swiss Water Decaf are using carbon more efficiently; attrition rate has dropped by 50% since 2009. This means Swiss Water Decaf use less virgin carbon and essentially recycle more internally.


Through work with a waste handling consultant, Swiss Water Decaf now divert 50% of their waste to alternative uses and away from the landfill, much of it going to compost.

June 30, 2017 — Guy Wilmot

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